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Bloomington Amateur Radio Club

Serving Bloomington and Monroe County, Indiana Since 1967


Here is a list of the most common frequencies in use in the local area. You can also browse the websites of area clubs in neighboring counties for the frequencies they use.

OutputInputToneCallsign / Organization / CommentsMembership
Monroe County Repeater Association

This is the primary 2m repeater for our weekly ARES nets and other events. It is located atop Eigenmann Hall on IU campus.
$15 Single/$25 Family
(Join now)
Privately Owned by Mike Poe KB9SGN Gosport, IN
No annual dues, but donations appreciated
147.180147.780136.5Indiana University Amateur Radio Club
This is IU’s 2m repeater atop the Indiana Memorial Union on Indiana University Bloomington campus. It is our secondary repeater in case WB9TLH is down.
$20 (all are welcome)
Indiana University Amateur Radio Club
K9UR MMDVM Repeater covering D-STAR and C4FM linked repeater network. Located on Brisco’s North Tower
$20 (all are welcome)
147.780+K9IU-C DV mode K9UR MMDVM Repeater covering D-STAR and C4FM linked repeater network. Located on Brisco’s North Tower D-STAR digital repeater.New users can register
146.985146.385136.5Owen County Amateur Radio Association
c/o Gary Armstrong KC9AGN
armst53 AT
Spencer, Indiana
No annual dues,
but donations appreciated
Shawnee Repeater, Inc
Trustee: Ed Michael, N9CJM
Greene County, Bloomfield, Indiana
ERP: 250w. EPS and auto-dial to ISP (Bloomington), Greene Co. Sheriff and Emergency Management (RACES). Affiliated with Indiana Skywarn and coordinated by Indiana Repeater Association.
Annual dues.
Regular meetings.
Brown County, Nashville, Indiana
Privately Owned by Mike Poe KB9SGN.
Ellettsville, Indiana
Affiliated with Aerohead Skywarn Network and linked to 2m in Greene and 70cm repeaters in Brown, Marion, and Putnam counties.
No annual dues,
but donations (especially tower space) appreciated.
442.925447.925107.2EAR Repeater link.
Linked to 145.15 Evansville, 146.925 & 443.925 in Vincennes (all with 107.2 tone). Connected to Echolink.
No dues, donations welcome.


144.390Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS)U.S. wide


146.580Our Primary Simplex FrequencyNational Simplex is 146.520